Arrazzi Room SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2015

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08.30 – 10.30

Is there a role for aspirin in stroke prevention in 2015?
J. Oldgren/ Uppsala, Sweden

Tailoring the oral anticoagulant to the individual patient – warfarin and the NOACs
A. Rossillo / Vicenza, Italy

The percutaneous LAA occlusion has been proven to be effective and safe for stroke prevention in AF
Pro: V.Y. Reddy/ New York, USA – Con: S.J. Connolly/ Hamilton, Canada

11.00 – 13.00

Atrial fibrillation progression trial (ATTEST)
A. Metzner / Hamburg, Germany

Balloons, lasers, contact force sensing: will new technologies improve results of AF ablation?
C. Tondo / Milan, Italy

13.00 – 14.30

Lone AF / AF with minimal SHD
E. Bertaglia/ Padua, Italy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
A. Corrado / Venice-Mestre, Italy

Valvular HD
R. Bai / Wuhan, China

HF with Systolic or Diastolic LV dysfunction
P. Santangeli / Philadelphia, USA

Other clinical settings (MS / OSA / CPOD / etc)
M. Scaglione / Asti, Italy